Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Truly "Golden" Birthday (22^2!)

I wanted to write a short note to thank my family and friends for making today special...even when my nose is buried in books here at graduate school! The birthday celebration started early with my aunt Ann, uncle Randy and cousin Erin driving from Milwaukee to take me out for Chicago style pizza last night! I felt special even on golden birthday-eve!
Today started out with waking up around 6 am to study Hebrew for a special birthday Hebrew test:) The day quickly got improved with chocolate chip pancakes and time spent with the famous Steve Berg at a local cafe! Not wanting to be "one upped" by Steve or by my Hebrew professor Dr. Beitzel, Dr. Pao then celebrated my birthday by giving a surprise Greek quiz in Greek Exegesis 1!
The highlight of the day was going to my mailbox and barely being able to open it because of all the letters stuffed in it! I smiled and laughed as I carried an armload of cards to my Hebrew test. After the test (which went really well!) I got to open the cards and was so blessed by encouraging cards and gifts from neighbors, church friends, family, extended family and even from my haircutter in Appleton! To cap off the day, I drove to Milwaukee to have dinner with my dad, mom and my brother Andy (who is in medical school at the Medical College of Wisconsin, thus the drive to Milwaukee.) We had such a blast though we thought often of the huuuuge part of our family in Pennsylvania (sister Kelli and brother-in-law Ronaldo). Spending time with my family always reminds me of our amazing God, who is the focus of our lives. It is because of Him that our family loves, laughs, and lives with purpose.
When I came home late at night from Milwaukee, I thought the festivities were over...but they were just starting! The night ended with my friend Mike and his wife Katie bringing over homemade (amazing) cake. My roommates, and seminary friends came over to my apartment to eat cake, hang out and to laugh with Jonathan at his hilarious stories of moving to the US from Korea, without knowing English. I am blessed with amazing friends from so many places. I will remember cake at my door in the morning, chocolate pancakes, "happy birthday" in Hebrew class, phone calls all day from my best friends at Point, phone calls from 4 NFL players*, rousing happy birthdays from family (especially Connor, Danielle and Steph!), and new friends tonight who capped off an amazing day. Thank you, Jesus, for the amazing friends and family with whom you have blessed me, for 22 years of life and for your free gift of salvation through faith in your work on the cross. I pray my life will be an offering of thanksgiving in everything I do, for your glory and your kingdom.

*NFL players may or may not have been Justin Wevers and Jason Eisenman impersonating NFL players...Made my day!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to make your Golden Birthday special and fun. You only get one in a lifetime! Love,Mom
