Thursday, September 24, 2009

An Encouragement for Battle: Reflections on Conversation with Ravi Zacharias

This week, the Trinity community had the opportunity of welcoming home1 Ravi Zacharias for a series of lectures to the divinity school (TEDS), and then today to the whole TIU community chapel. After his address to the campus, I talked with him about how his wisdom blessed me in my time at UWSP, and how it was often an intellectual refuge in times of confusion caused by professors. I then had the opportunity ask him a question that I had been pondering for a while. I mentioned UWSP and how the truth of Scripture is often attacked in class. I asked what, in his opinion, was the best approach to being challenged intellectually not only in our culture, but I specifically mentioned my friends at UWSP. His response struck me as particularly wise. He said, "Do not be overwhelmed intellectually. Know that these challenges are not new--we have seen them before. Study well, and be 'ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you.'2" I was struck by the wisdom that was in his words about intellectual challenges to the Gospel not being new. I thought back to Genesis 3:1 when, in Ravi's opinion, Postmodernism was born. The enemy spoke doubt into whether God had really spoken. He asked, "Did God really say...?" God has spoken through the pages of Scripture, and we must learn to listen well. To my friends in secular university classrooms I say, "Do not be overwhelmed. These challenges are not new!" The truth of Scripture will never change and the Truth has nothing to fear from investigation. Stay strong and "let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful!"3

1 Ravi Zacharias did his MDiv at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in the 70s and also had his first child as a part of the TIU community, his "fourth home."
2 1 Peter 3:15
3 Hebrews 10:23

1 comment:

  1. dave--what a precious interaction! so neat. what a wise man...and what a blessing that you get to study at such a wonderful institution. so proud of you! love you!
