Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Divine Stair Struggle

A few days ago I was studying in the library, and I saw a little two year old girl skipping in the library with her father. Near the middle of the library is a huge set of cement stairs that descends probably 75 steps. When the little girl saw the stairs, she immediately began running for them, and would have fallen down every step with her momentum. Instead, her father quickly jumped in front of her, picked her up, and placed her back on the path they were walking together. Rather than seeing what the father was doing, she immediately ran straight back toward the stairs, attempting to run over the edge. Again, the father lovingly picked her up, placed her back on the path they were walking, and encouraged her to follow him. I smiled and thought, "She has no idea what would happen if her father allowed her to get what she wanted." Then I stopped and was taken aback by its striking parallel. I am so often like that little girl, pushing again and again and again to get what I think I want, while my heavenly Father is lovingly protecting me and placing me back on His path.
How often do we pursue things that God lovingly forbids in His Word? I often think about why some of my friends who grew up in the church with me walked away from the faith of their parents--somehow never making it their own. I cannot help but think it's partly because God is seen primarily as the "fun-killer," the one who forbids the "joy of the stairs." Like our little girl running for the edge, we get angry at God because we see Him as keeping us from the joy we think is in the stairs. When in reality, who knows better what we need and what will truly fulfill us than the One who created those desires!? A question often asked in youth groups at church is, "How far is too far?", with regard to sexual purity in relationships. This question is like the little girl trying to get closer and closer to the stairs, while completely missing the love that is behind the father's boundaries, and the joy in the path he wants for her. When God forbids something, it is because He has something better for us. In reality, it's never about rules but about a relationship! When we learn to trust the Father, knowing He has our best in mind, then we know the love in His path. And to be honest, there is nothing better than what He has. I have taken my life and placed it upon that promise--What God has for me is greater than anything the world can offer. I pray that instead of being the little girl pushing for the stairs, I will ask the Father what He desires and faithfully walk in His path--the only path that leads to an abundant life. (John 10:10).


  1. I love that you see life through His eyes... our audience of One. Very thought-provoking...

  2. well said. it's not too often that we get a fresh illustration of that cool that God let you see that little girl and her dad. always good to be reminded of that.

  3. Dave- This is some deep stuff. I am so glad you shared this story, because I sure know I can apply it to my life. Thanks.
